What an inspiration!

Back in February I met a friend for a cup of tea. During our conversation I introduced her to the 4 Hour Work Week, the concept of simplifying life and automating and outsourcing work in order to maximise the time spent living one’s dreams. I suggested to my friend that she buy the 4 Hour Work Week book by Tim Ferriss.

My friend loved the concepts in the book, including, hiring a virtual assistant.

Today I met my friend again to find out, only four months later, that she has quit her job and is now successfully living the 4 hour work week!

What an inspiration!

Recognising achievements

A significant part of being optimistic is praising people for their achievements. This includes praising others and self-praise. On a regular basis we should step back and look at what both others and ourselves have achieved and truly appreciate and recognise these achievements.

In the spirit of recognising achievements, I’m proud to write that I have now blogged positively every day for 2&1/2 months and this is my 80th blog post!